From defense and energy, to consumer electronics and health wearables, the applications for materials that incorporate nanopowders increases every day.
Our silver nanopowder offers tight size control, high purity, and excellent dispersibility. A top performer for many applications, including, photovoltaics, displays, energy storage, RFID and smart packaging. Also used in electrically conductive inks and adhesives for inkjet and flexographic printing.

Antimicrobial properties make silver nanopowder ideal for skin and wound care, dressings, creams, ointments, drapes, and sutures, and it serves as a superior transparent and protective coating for eyeglasses and displays.
Medical devices and packaging, consumer products, including personal electronics, athletic gear, soaps, water filters, and humidifiers, and biocides such as paints, cleaning supplies, pulp, paper, and plastics. Our nanosilver is also used in coatings for textiles, wood preservation, marine, architectural, and ATMs.